
Deciding On Various Garage Doors

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Deciding On Various Garage Doors

Do you remember when the last time was that you really evaluated the health and appearance of your garage doors? Although most people don't think too much about it, being able to look into garage doors and know what to choose can help you to shape the exterior of your home. I started focusing on my garage doors months ago, and it was clear that there were some problems that needed to be resolved by a professional. After they came out and helped us, the garage doors looked incredible, and I knew we had built more value into our home. Check out this blog for more tips.

5 Reasons Your Garage Door Is Becoming Stuck

A stuck garage door or one that requires manual force to open can be a major problem. Fortunately, most causes of sticking doors are repairable once the root of the issue is discovered.

1. Blocked Sensor

Every automatic garage door is equipped with a sensor on either side of the door, near ground level. These sensors must line up with each other or the door will stop moving or bounce back open. This is a wonderful safety feature, but it can lead to issues if the sensors aren't properly aligned so that the door won't close even when there is nothing underneath. Re-alignment of the sensors is a quick and easy fix.

2. Dirty Tracks

Dead leaves, spider webs, and other debris can get lodged in the tracks. Not only does the debris create an obstruction that can prevent the door from moving, but it also reduces the lubrication in the tracks and door rollers so that the door can't glide easily. Tracks need to be cleaned out seasonally and lubricated with a silicone garage door lubricant at least once a year. 

3.  Track Alignment

A door must be properly aligned and balanced in the tracks so that both sides are moving at the same rate and at a balanced alignment. If even one side of the track is slightly askew, the door can become bound in the track so that it is unable to move. The method of loosening or tightening the alignment screws isn't mechanically difficult, but it does take some finesse to adjust them just right for the best balance. For this reason, it is often a job best left to a professional.

4. Spring Damage

Automatic garage doors typically have at least one spring on either side of the door, which must work in tandem to hold the proper tension on both ends of the door as it opens and closes. If one spring breaks or becomes stretched out, the door may sag on one side and the tension will not be adequate for proper opening and closing. Springs are under high tension and therefore dangerous, so all spring repairs must be done by a professional garage tech.

5. Broken Hinge

Multi-panel garage doors have hinges that attach each horizontal panel to the next one. Over time, one or more of the hinges may become damaged, or they may break entirely. This results in a sagging panel that won't align properly with the rest of the door, thus causing it to bind up and possibly become completely stuck. Hinges can be replaced and lubricated to solve the problem.

Contact a garage door repair technician to learn more.